

In most dynamically typed programming language both Integers and Float are internally represented by a C double value.

In a modern 64bit system, this implementation leads to some issue because some integer values cannot be correctly represented by a double value (for more details please read Storage of integer values in double).

In Gravity Int and Float are internally represented by two different types to mitigate rounding errors.

An Float represents a 64 bit floating point number (can optionally be compiled as 32 bit floating point number):

    var a = 3.1415;   // float
    var b = 1.25e2;   // scientific notation

    var f = 30.5.radians  // returns the result of converting 30.5 degrees to radians
    var f = 3.14.degrees. // returns the result of converting 3.14 radians to degrees

The Float class exposes also a min/max property used to know at runtime lower/upper bound values:

    var min = Float.min;    // 2.22507e-308 in 64bit systems
    var max = Float.max;    // 1.79769e+308 in 64bit systems

Other useful methods:

    var f = 3.1415;       // float
    var f1 = f.ceil();    // result is 4 (ceil computes the smallest integer value not less than f)
    var f2 = f.round();   // result is 3 (round computes the nearest integer value to f)
    var f3 = f.floor();   // result is 3 (floor computes the largest integer value not greater than f)