

The Math class is a class in Gravity that offers various methods for calculating more complex mathematics than the standard +,-,/, and *.

Mathematical Constants

    Math.PI;      // pi (~3.141593)
    Math.E;       // e (~2.718282)
    Math.LN2;     // natural log of 2 (ie. Math.log(2) = ~0.693147)
    Math.LN10;    // natural log of 10 (ie. Math.log(10) = ~2.302585)
    Math.LOG2E;   // log base 2 of e (~1.442695)
    Math.LOG10E;  // log base 10 of e (~0.434294)
    Math.SQRT2;   // sqrt of 2  (ie. Math.sqrt(2) = ~1.414214)
    Math.SQRT1_2; // sqrt of 0.5  (ie. Math.sqrt(0.5) = ~0.707107)

Absolute Values

Math.abs() is a method that returns the absolute value of an integer of float.

    Math.abs(-10); // returns 10
    Math.abs(10);  // also returns 10

Trig Functions

The Math class also contains several Trigonometric Functions. All values that represent angles are in radians for these methods, and they all expect radians for inputs. You can use the ".radians" and ".degrees" properties of the Int and Float class to do conversions.

    Math.acos(-1);     // returns pi
    Math.asin(0.5);    // returns 0.523599 ( = pi/6)
    Math.atan(1);      // returns 0.785398 ( = pi/4 )
    Math.atan2(-1,-1); // returns -2.356194 ( = -3pi/4 )

    Math.cos(Math.PI);     // returns -1
    Math.cos(180.radians); // returns -1 (same as above)
    Math.sin(Math.PI);     // returns 0
    Math.tan(Math.PI/4);   // returns 1

Ceiling, Floor

    Math.ceil(4.1)  // returns 5
    Math.floor(4.1) // returns 4


Return number rounded to ndigits precision after the decimal point. If ndigits is omitted, it returns the nearest integer to its input. For Float values are rounded to the closest multiple of 10 to the power minus ndigits.

    Math.round(4.1) // returns 4
    Math.round(4.5) // returns 5
    Math.round(65.34634) // returns 65.0
    Math.round(65.34634,1) // returns 65.3
    Math.round(65.34634,2) // returns 65.35

Exponents and Radicals

    // e to the power of x
    Math.exp(1) // returns 2.718282 (e)
    Math.exp(2) // returns 7.389056 (e^2)

    // x to the power of y
    Math.pow(2,3); // returns 8

    Math.sqrt(9); // 3
    Math.cbrt(8); // 2
    Math.xrt(4,16); // 2 (4th root of 16)


    // log base e
    Math.log(Math.E) // returns 1
    Math.log10(10)   // returns 1
    Math.logx(2,2)   // returns 1
    Math.logx(2,4)   // returns 2

Max and Min

    Math.max(-1,10,2); // Returns 10
    Math.min(-1,10,2); // Returns -1

Random Number

    Math.random()      // Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0
    Math.random(N)     // Returns a random number between 0 and N (or between 0.0 and N.0 if N is Float)
    Math.random(N1,N2) // Returns a random number between N1 and N2 (they must be both Int or Float)


    Math.gcf(12,15,21); // 3
    Math.lcm(6,15,2);   // 30