Push notifications
Preliminary documentation
Please note that we define Push Notifications support as preliminary because you have to take care of all the delivery and token store details on server side (we do not include any third-party framework).
Prepare your application
- Go to the inspector for the App object, section Push Notifications
- Check the Enable flag.
- Choose the Options:
- badge: Display a number on the corner of the app’s icon.
- sound: Play a sound.
- alert: Display text.
- carPlay: Display notifications in CarPlay.
- provisional: Post non-interrupting notifications. The user won’t get a request for permission if you only use this option, but your notifications will only show silently in the Notification Center.
- Announcement: The setting that indicates whether Siri can announce your app’s notifications.
- criticalAlert: Ignore the mute switch and Do Not Disturb. You’ll need a special entitlement from Apple to use this option as it’s only meant to be used when absolutely necessary.
- Set a Bundle ID for your App.
Identifiers, Profiles & Keys on developer.apple.com
- Sign in -> account -> Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
- Identifiers: Create a new Identifiers with the explicit Bundle ID of your App and enable the “Push Notifications” Capability.
- Profiles: Create a new Provisioning Profile with the App ID created in the previous step and set desired Certificates and Devices.
- Keys: Create a new key with the Apple Push Notifications service (APNs) enabled (if you don’t already have one). Download the key (.p8 file, it will be needed to send notification through a public service, APNs API or an app used for testing push notifications (for example, https://github.com/onmyway133/PushNotifications).
Add custom code to App Events
- DidRegisterForPushNotification: get the token, send it to your app server.
- WillPresentNotification:
- DidReceiveNotification:
Test your App
iOS Simulator:
- run the app from Creo in a iOS Simulator.
- use xcrun from Terminal:
- command: xcrun simctl push booted
<payload.json> -
: the Bundle ID of your App. -
: the content of the test notification, see the Paylod examples section.
- command: xcrun simctl push booted
iOS Device:
- App:
- Build your App for “Development Distribution” with the Provisioning Profile created in the Identifiers, Profiles & Keys section.
- Install the App (.ipa) in your device.
- Launch the App, grant the authorization for the configured notifications and copy the token returned by the DidRegisterForPushNotification event.
- Push Notifications Utility:
- Install and launch the PushNotifications utility: https://github.com/onmyway133/PushNotifications
- Under Authentication, select Token.
- Click the Select P8 button and select the .p8 (key).
- Enter your Key ID and Team ID in the relevant fields.
- Under Body, enter your Bundle ID and the token provided by the App (DidRegisterForPushNotification)
- Enter a sample payload in the message field (see the following Payload examples section)
- App:
Payload examples:
alert notification:
"aps": {
"alert": “Test”,
"sound": "default",
"link_url": "https://creolabs.com”,
"category": “TEST”
silent notification:
"aps": {
"content-available": 1
- PushNotification.creoproject (12KB)
Useful links