super: Object
The HTTPServer class provides a small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP server for your applications.
Load() This event is called when the object becames available in the current runtime system.
DidStart() The server has been successfully started.
DidFail() The attempt to start the server has failed.
DidStop() The server has been successfully stopped.
DidReceiveRequest(method: String, path: String, body: Object): Object This event is called to get a response for a request. You may return a String containing an url or a file path to redirect the request or the Data to send. If the return value is invalid or null, the HTTPServer will use the default behavior, looking for the requested path in the specified document root.
WillSendResponse(host: String, method: String, path: String, statusCode: Int, contentLength: Int) Notifies that the server is about to send a respose for a successful request.
WillSendResponseError(host: String, method: String, path: String, statusCode: Int) The server is about to send an error response.
DidPublishBonjour(domain: String, type: String, name: String) The service has been successfully published via Bonjour.
DidFailBonjour(domain: String, type: String, name: String, errorCode: String, errorDomain: String) The attempt to publish the service via Bonjour has failed.
Unload() This event is called when the object has been removed from the current runtime system (but not yet deallocated).
var shouldAcceptWebDAV: Bool Defines if the server should support WebDAV connections.
var shouldAcceptPostMethod: Bool Defines if the server should support POST requests.
var maxRequestContentLength: Int Defines the maximum size of POST requests to be accepted. By default it is 1 MB (1024 * 1024).
var interface: String Set what interface you'd like the server to listen on. By default this is nil, which causes the server to listen on all available interfaces like en1, wifi etc. The interface may be specified by name (e.g. "en1" or "lo0") or by IP address (e.g. ""). You may also use the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify that the socket only accept connections from the local machine.
var port: Int The default port number is zero, meaning the server will automatically use any available port. This is the recommended port value, as it avoids possible port conflicts with other applications. Technologies such as Bonjour can be used to allow other applications to automatically discover the port number. Note: As is common on most OS's, you need root privledges to bind to port numbers below 1024.
var listeningPort: Int The listeningPort method will always return the port number the running server is listening for connections on. If the server is not running this method returns 0. (read-only)
var documentRoot: String Specifies the document root to serve files from. If you change the documentRoot while the server is running, the change will affect future incoming http connections.
var bonjourName: String The name to use for this service via Bonjour. The default name is an empty string, which should result in the published name being the host name of the computer.
var publishedName: String The name actually published via Bonjour. (read-only)
var bonjourType: String The type of service to publish via Bonjour. No type is set by default, and one must be set in order for the service to be published.
var bonjourDomain: String Bonjour domain for publishing the service. The default value is 'local.'.
var objectName: String The name of the object.
func start() Attempts to starts the server on the configured port, interface, etc. On succes the DidStart event is fired, otherwise it fires a DidFail event.
func stop() Stops the server preventing it from accepting any new connections and closes the existing client connections.
func publishBonjour() Publishes the service via bonjour if the server is running. If the service was previously published, this method will unpublish and then republish it (if the server is running). See the DidPublishBonjour and DidFailBonjour events.