- ActionSheet
- ActivityIndicator
- Alert
- Animation
- AppStore
- Application
- AudioRecorder
- Authenticator
- BarButtonItem
- BaseDataSet
- BezierPath
- Binding
- BluetoothCentral
- BluetoothPeripheral
- BonjourBrowser
- BonjourService
- Button
- Camera
- CameraRoll
- Carousel
- CarouselCell
- Chart
- CollectionView
- CollectionViewCell
- Color
- Console
- Crypto
- CubeSQLDatabase
- CubeSQLRecordSet
- CustomView
- Data
- DataSet
- Database
- DatabaseRecord
- Date
- DatePicker
- Device
- ESSBeaconScanner
- EddystoneBeacon
- EddystoneBeaconID
- EddystoneScanner
- EdgeInsets
- File
- FileDataSet
- FileManager
- Flex
- FlexValue
- Font
- Gradient
- GridDataSet
- Gyro
- HTTPClient
- HTTPRequest
- HTTPServer
- IBeacon
- IBeaconScanner
- Image
- ImageFilter
- ImageView
- IndexPath
- Keyboard
- Label
- LineShape
- Locale
- Location
- LongPressGesture
- MapPointAnnotation
- MapView
- Movie
- MoviePlayer
- MySQLDatabase
- MySQLRecordSet
- NSData
- NSFormatter
- NavigationBar
- NavigationItem
- NetworkReachability
- NetworkReachabilityManager
- NumberFormatter
- OSSharing
- Offset
- OvalShape
- PageContainer
- PageContainerCell
- PageCurl
- PageScroll
- PageSplit
- PanGesture
- PickerView
- PinchGesture
- Point
- PolyShape
- PostgreSQLDatabase
- PostgreSQLRecordSet
- Preferences
- ProgressView
- RGBBuffer
- RecognizedObject
- RecordSet
- Rect
- RectShape
- RegEx
- RotationGesture
- SQLiteDatabase
- SQLiteRecordSet
- SafariView
- Screen
- SearchBar
- SegmentedControl
- SegmentedControlItem
- Shape
- Size
- Slider
- Sound
- Stepper
- SwipeGesture
- TabBar
- TabBarItem
- TableView
- TableViewCell
- TableViewHeaderFooterView
- TableViewRowAction
- TapGesture
- TextField
- TextView
- TimeZone
- Timer
- Toggle
- Toolbar
- Vector
- View
- WebView
- Window
- UIActivityIndicatorView
- UIAlertController
- UIApplication
- UIBarButtonItem
- UIBarItem
- UIButton
- UICollectionReusableView
- UICollectionView
- UICollectionViewCell
- UIControl
- UIDatePicker
- UIGestureRecognizer
- UIImageView
- UILabel
- UILongPressGestureRecognizer
- UINavigationController
- UINavigationItem
- UIPageViewController
- UIPanGestureRecognizer
- UIPickerView
- UIPinchGestureRecognizer
- UIProgressView
- UIResponder
- UIRotationGestureRecognizer
- UIScrollView
- UISearchBar
- UISegmentedControl
- UISlider
- UISplitViewController
- UIStepper
- UISwipeGestureRecognizer
- UISwitch
- UITabBarController
- UITabBarItem
- UITableView
- UITableViewCell
- UITableViewHeaderFooterView
- UITableViewRowAction
- UITapGestureRecognizer
- UITextField
- UITextView
- UIToolbar
- UITouch
- UIView
- UIViewController
- UIWKWebView
super: UIResponder (on iOS)
This class is reserved and cannot be directly instantiated.