
super: BaseDataSet

The HTTPRequest class and the HTTPClient class enable you to download content via HTTP. An HTTPRequest is always part of an HTTPClient and defines the request specific properties like the HTTP method, the path of the resource with the possibility to use dynamic values for header, path, query and body parameters.


  • Load() This event is called when the object becames available in the current runtime system.

  • DidStart() Event raised when DataSet started retrieving data.

  • NewValue(value: Object) Event raised when a new value becomes available.

  • DidFinish() Event raised when DataSet finished retrieving data.

  • DidFail() Event raised in case of DataSet error.

  • Unload() This event is called when the object has been removed from the current runtime system (but not yet deallocated).


  • var path: String A string that represents the path and query component of the request URL. The scheme and host (and optionally the port, user and password) components are defined by the parent HTTPClient object. You can set directly a path string, otherwise this property is calculated from the tokenized path configured in the HTTPRequest inspector and the current values of the pathParameters and queryParameters properties.

  • var url: String Full URL of the request. (read-only)

  • var method: HTTPMethod HTTP method.

  • var headerParameters: Map The key-value pairs of this Map are added to the HTTP header section of the request. Values must be strings. Each value of the Map can also be accessed programmatically as a dynamic property of the HTTPRequest instance. The dynamic properties are automatically exposed using the Map key as the property name if the key contains only alphanumeric characters.

  • var pathParameters: Map A Map used to replace tokens in the path string. When you add a key-value pair from the inspector, a new token named after the key is added to path string. Values must be strings. Each value of the Map can also be accessed programmatically as a dynamic property of the HTTPRequest instance. The dynamic properties are automatically exposed using the Map key as the property name if the key contains only alphanumeric characters. For example, you can programmatically set the value of a token named "userid" with the following code:

    HTTPClient1.Request1.userid = "my_user_id";;

    If you programmatically set a custom value for the path property the pathParameters property is ignored.

  • var queryParameters: Map The key-value pairs of this Map are used to create the query string part of the URL. For example, if the value is ["count" : "10", "screen_name" : "getcreo"] , the HTTPRequest adds the following string to the original path: ?count=10&screen_name=getcreo. Values must be strings. Each value of the Map can also be accessed programmatically as a dynamic property of the HTTPRequest instances. The dynamic properties are automatically exposed using the Map key as the property name if the key contains only alphanumeric characters. If you programmatically set a custom value for the path property the queryParameters property is ignored.

  • var bodyParameters: Object The body parameters to be encoded according to the bodyMode property. The HTTPBodyMode.FormData and HTTPBodyMode.FormUrlencoded encoding require a Map value for this property, the HTTPBodyMode.Raw requires a string (if the value is a Map, the first value is used), with the HTTPBodyMode.JSON you can set this property to any JSON valid data type (List, Map, Boolean, String, Number, null value). If the value is a Map, each value of the Map can also be accessed programmatically as a dynamic property of the HTTPRequest instance. The dynamic properties are automatically exposed using the Map key as the property name if the key contains only alphanumeric characters.. Only used for the POST, PUT or PATCH method.

  • var bodyMode: HTTPBodyMode How to serialize the body parameters. Only used for the POST, PUT or PATCH method.

  • var responseSerializerType: HTTPResponseSerializer How to deserialize the response.

  • var timeoutInterval: Float The timeout interval, in seconds, for created requests. The default timeout interval is 60 seconds.

  • var useAuthentication: Bool A flag to enable/disable the authentication defined by the HTTPClient.

  • var redirectMode: HTTPRedirectMode Defines what to do when an HTTP request is attempting to perform a redirection to a different URL

  • var MIMEType: String The MIME type of the response. The MIME type is often provided by the response’s originating source. However, that value may be changed or corrected by a protocol implementation if it can be determined that the response’s source reported the information incorrectly. If the response’s originating source does not provide a MIME type, an attempt to guess the MIME type may be made. (read-only)

  • var expectedContentLength: Int The expected length of the response’s content. This property’s value is -1 if the length can’t be determined. Some protocol implementations report the content length as part of the response, but not all protocols guarantee to deliver that amount of data. Clients should be prepared to deal with more or less data. (read-only)

  • var textEncodingName: String The name of the text encoding provided by the response’s originating source. If no text encoding was provided by the protocol, this property’s value is nil. (read-only)

  • var suggestedFilename: String A suggested filename for the response data. Accessing this property attempts to generate a filename using the following information, in order: A filename specified using the content disposition header, the last path component of the URL, the host of the URL. If the host of URL can't be converted to a valid filename, the filename "unknown" is used. In most cases, this property appends the proper file extension based on the MIME type. Accessing this property always returns a valid filename regardless of whether the resource is saved to disk. (read-only)

  • var allHeaderFields: Map A dictionary containing all the HTTP header fields received as part of the server’s response. By examining this dictionary clients can see the “raw” header information returned by the HTTP server. The keys in this dictionary are the header field names, as received from the server. See RFC 2616 for a list of commonly used HTTP header fields. HTTP headers are case insensitive. To simplify your code, certain header field names are canonicalized into their standard form. For example, if the server sends a content-length header, it is automatically adjusted to be Content-Length. The returned dictionary of headers is configured to be case-preserving during the set operation (unless the key already exists with a different case), and case-insensitive when looking up keys. (read-only)

  • var statusCode: Int The receiver’s HTTP status code. See RFC 2616 for details. (read-only)

  • var localizedStatusCodeString: String Returns a localized string corresponding to the current HTTP status code. (read-only)

  • var countOfBytesReceived: Int The number of bytes that the object has received from the server in the response body. (read-only)

  • var countOfBytesSent: Int The number of bytes that the task has sent to the server in the request body. This byte count includes only the length of the request body itself, not the request headers. (read-only)

  • var countOfBytesExpectedToSend: Int The number of bytes that the task expects to send in the request body. The URL loading system can determine the length of the upload data in three ways: From the length of the NSData object provided as the upload body, from the length of the file on disk provided as the upload body of an upload task (not a download task), or from the Content-Length in the request object, if you explicitly set it. Otherwise, the value is -1 if you provided a stream or body data object, or zero (0) if you did not. (read-only)

  • var countOfBytesExpectedToReceive: Int The number of bytes that the task expects to receive in the response body. This value is determined based on the Content-Length header received from the server. If that header is absent, the value is -1LL. (read-only)

  • var objectName: String The name of the object.

Class Methods

  • func encodedHostComponent(string: String): String Returns a new string made from the string argument by replacing all characters not allowed in a host URL subcomponent.

  • func encodedUserComponent(string: String): String Returns a new string made from the string argument by replacing all characters not allowed in a user URL subcomponent with percent-encoded characters.

  • func encodedPasswordComponent(string: String): String Returns a new string made from the string argument by replacing all characters not allowed in a password URL subcomponent with percent-encoded characters.

  • func encodedPathComponent(string: String): String Returns a new string made from the string argument by replacing all characters not allowed in a path URL subcomponent with percent-encoded characters.

  • func encodedQueryParameter(string: String): String Returns a new string made from the string argument by replacing all characters not allowed in a parameter name or value of a query URL subcomponent with percent-encoded characters.

  • func encodedQueryComponent(string: String): String Returns a new string made from the string argument by replacing all characters not allowed in a query URL subcomponent with percent-encoded characters.

  • func encodedFragmentComponent(string: String): String Returns a new string made from the string argument by replacing all characters not allowed in a fragment URL subcomponent with percent-encoded characters.


  • func HTTPRequest(URL: String) Create a new HTTPRequest for the specified URL.


  • func suspend() Suspending a request will prevent the session from continuing to load data. There may still be event calls made by this object (for instance, to report data received while suspending) but no further transmissions will be made on behalf of the request until -resume is sent. The timeout timer associated with the request will be disabled while a request is suspended. -suspend and -resume are nestable.

  • func resume() Resumes a previously suspended request

  • func cancel() Cancel returns immediately, but marks a request as being canceled. The request will invoke a DidFail event. Cancel may be sent to a request that has been suspended

  • func send(onSuccess: Closure = null, onError: Closure = null): Bool Send the HTTPRequest. The optional onSuccess and onError closures can be used to perform the request in a background thread so that the app remains responsive. The onSuccess closure, if set, is executed when the client receives a success response; this closure is invoked with two arguments: the HTTPRequest itself and the deserialized response content. The onError closure, if set, is executed when the client receives an error response and it is invoked with two arguments: the HTTPRequest itself and the error description. If at least one of the closures is set then the request is performed in a background thread and this method immediately returns a false value; otherwise, the request is executed in the UI thread (not recommended for time-consuming tasks) and the method returns true in case of success, false in case of failure.



  • .Delete
  • .Get
  • .Head
  • .Patch
  • .Post
  • .Put


  • .FormData
  • .FormUrlencoded
  • .JSON
  • .Raw


  • .Data
  • .Image
  • .JSON
  • .Plist
  • .Text
  • .XML


  • .Allow
  • .Reject
  • .RejectAndCancel
  • .WithHandler


Programmatically create a simple HTTPRequest to download an image

// Create a new HTTPRequest for with the specified URL
var request = HTTPRequest("")

// Configure the response serializer, in this example we expect the response
// content to be an Image
request.responseSerializerType = HTTPResponseSerializer.Image

// Code to execute in case of success
func onSuccess(request,value) {
    // The first argument of the closure is the HTTPRequest.
    // The second argument is the content of the response,
    // the type of this object depends on the configured
    // responseSerializerType, in this example it is an Image.
    ImageView1.image = value

// Code to execute in case of success
func onError(request,error) {
    // The first argument of the closure is the HTTPRequest.
    // The second argument is the returned error message.
    Console.write("Error: \(error)")

// Send the request

Download a JSON content and use it as the DataSet of a TableView

// Create a new HTTPRequest for with the specified URL
var request = HTTPRequest("")

// Configure the response serializer, the response content will be
// deserialized to a Map object and set to the "value" property of the HTTPRequest
request.responseSerializerType = HTTPResponseSerializer.JSON

// Set the request as the dataSet of a control, in this case a TableView.
// The "KeyPath" property and the Cell Properties of the control must be configured
// to use the proper values of the desirialized JSON, for this sample URL the KeyPath
// propery must be empty and the Text property must be set to "title".
// The run() method of the dataSet is automatically called by the TableView
// when the dataSet property is set.
TableView1.dataSet = request