super: Object
Information about linguistic, cultural, and technological conventions for use in formatting data for presentation.
Load() This event is called when the object becames available in the current runtime system.
Unload() This event is called when the object has been removed from the current runtime system (but not yet deallocated).
Class Properties
- var preferredLanguages: List An ordered list of the user's preferred languages. Users choose a primary language when configuring a device. They may also specify one or more secondary languages in order of preference for use when localization is unavailable in a higher priority language. Use this property to obtain the current user's ordered list of languages, presented as an array of locale identifier strings. (read-only)
var identifier: String The identifier for the locale. Examples of locale identifiers include "en_GB", "es_ES_PREEURO", and "zh-Hant_HK_POSIX@collation=pinyin;currency=CNY". (read-only)
var countryCode: String The country code for the locale. Examples of country codes include "GB", "FR", and "HK". (read-only)
var languageCode: String The language code for the locale. Examples of language codes include "en", "es", and "zh". (read-only)
var scriptCode: String The script code for the locale. Examples of script codes include "Latn" and "Hant". (read-only)
var variantCode: String The variant code for the locale. Examples of variant code include "POSIX" and "PREEURO". (read-only)
var usesMetricSystem: Bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the locale uses the metric system. (read-only)
var decimalSeparator: String The decimal separator for the locale. Example decimal separators include "." and ",". (read-only)
var groupingSeparator: String TThe grouping separator for the locale. Example grouping separators include "," and " ". (read-only)
var currencyCode: String The currency code for the locale. Example currency codes include "USD", "EUR", and "JPY". (read-only)
var currencySymbol: String The currency symbol for the locale. Example currency symbols include "$", "€", and "¥". (read-only)
var calendarIdentifier: String The calendar identifier for the locale. (read-only)
var currencySymbolIsBefore: Bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the currency symbol must be written before or after the amount value. (read-only)
var objectName: String The name of the object.
Class Methods
- func system(): Locale The generic locale that contains fixed "backstop" settings that provide values for otherwise undefined keys.
- func Locale(identifier: String) Returns a locale using a given locale identifier.
func stringForIdentifier(string: String): String Returns the localized string for the specified locale identifier.
func stringForCountryCode(string: String): String Returns the localized string for the specified country code. For example, calling this method on an American English (en_US) locale, passing "GB" for countryCode, produces the string "United Kingdom".
func stringForLanguageCode(string: String): String Returns the localized string for the specified language code. For example, calling this method on an American English (en_US) locale, passing "zh" for languageCode, produces the string "Chinese".
func stringForScriptCode(string: String): String Returns the localized string for the specified script code. For example, calling this method on an American English (en_US) locale, passing "Hant" for scriptCode, produces the string "Traditional Han".
func stringForVariantCode(string: String): String Returns the localized string for the specified variant code. For example, calling this method on an American English (en_US) locale, passing "POSIX" for variantCode, produces the string "Computer".
func stringForCurrencyCode(string: String): String Returns the localized string for the specified currency code. For example, calling this method on an American English (en_US) locale, passing "JPY" for currencyCode, produces the string "Japanese Yen".
func stringForCalendarIdentifier(string: String): String Returns the localized string for the specified calendar identifier.