super: UIView (on iOS)
A Camera object represents a physical capture device and the properties associated with that device. You use a capture device to configure the properties of the underlying hardware. A capture device also provides input data, such as audio or video.
Load() This event is called when the object becames available in the current runtime system.
WillShow() The view is about to be added to the App's views hierarchy.
WillHide() The view is about to be removed from the App's views hierarchy.
Ready() This event is triggered when the physical capture device has been configured, the device properites (lensAperture, minExposureDuration, maxExposureDuration, etc) are available and the camera is ready to capture. This event is also called when a new physical capture device is configured, for example after switching between the front and the back camera.
DeniedAuthorization(cameraAuthorizationType: Int) This event is called when user denied your app permission to user camera and/or microphone.
NewImage(image: Image, metadata: Map) This event is triggered when a new still picture is available.
NewVideo(videoPath: String) This event is triggered when a new recordered movie is available.
RecognizedObjects(objects: List) This event is triggered any time the array of recognized metadata objects changes or the position of a recognized object changes. The 'objects' parameter is a List of RecognizedObject.
DidShow() The view has been added to the App's views hierarchy.
DidHide() The view has been removed from the App's views hierarchy.
Unload() This event is called when the object has been removed from the current runtime system (but not yet deallocated).
var cameraQuality: CameraQuality Current position of a capture device.
var position: CameraPosition Current position of a capture device.
var whiteBalance: WhiteBalanceMode White balance mode.
var mirror: CameraMirrorMode Camera mirror mode.
var flash: CameraFlashMode Current flash mode of a capture device. (read-only)
var recording: Bool Boolean value to indicate if the camera is recording a video at the current moment. (read-only)
var isRunning: Bool Boolean value to indicate if the camera session is running. The camera is automatically started if not hidden and added to a visible view hierarchy, otherwise it is stopped. Use the start/stop method to programmatically change the running status. (read-only)
var videoEnabled: Bool Check if video mode is enabled in the capture device.
var cropImageAsSeen: Bool If set to true then captured Image is cropped usign the exact View size.
var zoomingEnabled: Bool Boolean value to indicate if zooming is enabled.
var useDeviceOrientation: Bool Boolean value to indicate whether the orientation of the captured images should be taken from the device orientation (if set to true) or the interface orientation (if set to false).
var isFlashAvailable: Bool Checks if flash is available.
var isTorchAvailable: Bool Checks if torch is available.
var isFrontCameraAvailable: Bool Checks if the front camera is available.
var isRearCameraAvailable: Bool Checks if the rear camera is available.
var autoFocusOnTap: Bool Boolean value to indicate if zooming is enabled.
var autoExposureOnTap: Bool Boolean value to indicate if zooming is enabled.
var maxScale: Float Maximum scaling factor.
var lensAperture: Float The value of this property is a float indicating the size (the f number) of the lens diaphragm. This method returns 0.0 if the device is not yet ready (see the Ready event). The Creo simulator for Mac returns 1.8 like the latest iPhone models, not the real lens aperture of the camera on the Mac. (read-only)
var exposureDuration: Float The length of time in seconds over which exposure takes place.
var minExposureDuration: Float The minimum supported exposure duration. (read-only)
var maxExposureDuration: Float The maximum supported exposure duration. (read-only)
var ISO: Float The current exposure ISO value.
var minISO: Float The minimum supported exposure ISO value. (read-only)
var maxISO: Float The maximum supported exposure ISO value. (read-only)
var exposureMode: CameraExposureMode The camera exposure mode.
var exposurePointOfInterestSupported: Bool Indicates whether the device supports a point of interest for exposure. (read-only)
var exposurePointOfInterest: Point The point of interest for exposure. Setting a value for this property does not initiate an exposure rebalancing operation. To set exposure using a point of interest, first set this property's value, then set the exposureMode property to CameraExposureMode.AutoExpose or CameraExposureMode.ContinuousAutoExposure. This property's Point value uses a coordinate system where {0,0} is the top left of the picture area and {1,1} is the bottom right. This coordinate system is always relative to a landscape device orientation with the home button on the right, regardless of the actual device orientation.
var adjustingExposure: Bool Indicates whether the device is currently adjusting its exposure setting. (read-only)
var exposureTargetOffset: Float The metered exposure level's offset from the target exposure value, in EV units. The Creo simulator for Mac return 0.0. (read-only)
var exposureTargetBias: Float Bias applied to the target exposure value, in EV units. When exposureMode is CameraExposureMode.AutoExpose or CameraExposureMode.Locked, the bias will affect both metering (exposureTargetOffset), and the actual exposure level (exposureDuration and ISO). When the exposure mode is AVCaptureExposureModeCustom, it will only affect metering. The Creo simulator for Mac return 0.0.
var minExposureTargetBias: Float The minimum supported exposure bias, in EV units. The Creo simulator for Mac return 0.0. (read-only)
var maxExposureTargetBias: Float The maximum supported exposure bias, in EV units. (read-only)
var focusMode: CameraFocusMode The camera focus mode.
var focusPointOfInterestSupported: Bool Indicates whether the device supports a point of interest for focus. (read-only)
var focusPointOfInterest: Point The point of interest for focusing. Setting a value for this property does not initiate a focusing operation. To focus the camera on a point of interest, first set this property's value, then set the focusMode property to CameraFocusMode.AutoFocus or CameraFocusMode.ContinuousAutoFocus. This property's Point value uses a coordinate system where {0,0} is the top left of the picture area and {1,1} is the bottom right. This coordinate system is always relative to a landscape device orientation with the home button on the right, regardless of the actual device orientation. You can convert between this coordinate system and view coordinates using AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer methods.
var adjustingFocus: Bool Indicates whether the device is currently adjusting its focus setting. (read-only)
var autoFocusRangeRestrictionSupported: Bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the device supports focus range restrictions. (read-only)
var autoFocusRangeRestriction: CameraAutoFocusRangeRestriction A value controlling the allowable range for automatic focusing.
var smoothAutoFocusSupported: Bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the device supports smooth autofocus. (read-only)
var smoothAutoFocusEnabled: Bool A Boolean value that determines whether smooth autofocus is enabled. On capable devices, you can enable a “smooth” focusing mode in which lens movements are made more slowly. This mode make focus transitions less visually intrusive, a behavior that you may want for video capture.
var lowLightBoostSupported: Bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the capture device supports boosting images in low light conditions. (read-only)
var lowLightBoostEnabled: Bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the capture device’s low light boost feature is enabled. (read-only)
var automaticallyEnablesLowLightBoostWhenAvailable: Bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the capture device should automatically switch to low light boost mode when necessary.
var machineReadableObjectTypes: MachineReadableObjectType A bitmask used to filter the metadata objects reported by the RecognizedObjects event.
var filters: List A list a ImageFilters to apply to the live Camera preview.
var objectName: String The name of the object.
Class Methods
func exposureString(seconds: Float): String Return a readable string representation of the exposure value.
func toggleTorch() Toggle torch sensor.
func capture(onSuccess: Closure = null, onError: Closure = null) Initiates a still image capture action. The onSuccess closure, if set, is executed when an image is captured without errors; this closure is invoked with two arguments: the captured image (type: Image) and its medatada (meta: Map). The onFailure closure, if set, is executed if an error occurs and the description of the error is passed as the only argument.
func togglePosition() Toggle the position of a capture device.
func toggleFlashMode(): CameraFlashMode Toggle the flash mode of the capture device. Returns the new flash mode.
func setFlashMode(flashMode: Int): CameraFlashMode Set the flash mode of the capture device. Returns true if the camera supports the new flash mode, false otherwise.
func startRecording(onSuccess: Closure = null, onError: Closure = null) Start recording a video.
func stopRecording() Stop recording a video.
func start() Starts running the camera session.
func stop() Stops running the camera session.
func animate(duration: Float, delay: Float, options: AnimationOption, animations: Closure, completion: Closure) Animate changes to one or more views using the specified duration, delay, options and completion handler.
func setFocus() Force focus to be set to the selected control. For TextField and TextView that means force Keyboard to appear.
func clearFocus() Clear focus from selected control
- .High
- .Low
- .Medium
- .Photo
- .cif352x288
- .hd1280x720
- .hd1920x1080
- .hd4K3840x2160
- .iFrame1280x720
- .iFrame960x540
- .vga640x480
- .Front
- .Rear
- .Auto
- .Continuous
- .Locked
- .Auto
- .Off
- .On
- .Auto
- .Off
- .On
- .AutoFocus
- .ContinuousAutoExposure
- .Custom
- .Locked
- .AutoFocus
- .ContinuousAutoFocus
- .Locked
- .Far
- .Near
- .None
- .AztecCode
- .Code128Code
- .Code39Code
- .Code39Mod43Code
- .Code93Code
- .DataMatrixCode
- .EAN13Code
- .EAN8Code
- .ITF14Code
- .Interleaved2of5Code
- .PDF417Code
- .QRCode
- .UPCECode
- .AllowAnimatedContent
- .AllowUserInteraction
- .Autoreverse
- .BeginFromCurrentState
- .CurveEaseIn
- .CurveEaseInOut
- .CurveEaseOut
- .CurveLinear
- .LayoutSubviews
- .OverrideInheritedCurve
- .OverrideInheritedDuration
- .OverrideInheritedOptions
- .Repeat
- .ShowHideTransitionViews
- .TransitionCrossDissolve
- .TransitionCurlDown
- .TransitionCurlUp
- .TransitionFlipFromBottom
- .TransitionFlipFromLeft
- .TransitionFlipFromRight
- .TransitionFlipFromTop
- .TransitionNone