
super: Object


  • Load() This event is called when the object becames available in the current runtime system.

  • Unload() This event is called when the object has been removed from the current runtime system (but not yet deallocated).

Class Properties

  • var undefined: Float Const undefined can be used as a value. (read-only)

  • var valueUndefined: FlexValue Const value undefined is a complex value used by flex methods (read-only)

  • var valueAuto: FlexValue Const value auto is a complex value used by flex methods (read-only)


  • var unit: Int Unit, point or percent (read-only)

  • var value: Float Value

  • var isUndefined: Bool is undefined (read-only)

  • var objectName: String The name of the object.


  • func FlexValue(value: Float, unit: FlexUnit) Create a new FlexValue. The first argument is the value (Float), the second is the unit of the value (FlexUnit, Point or Percent)


  • func setPoint(value: Float) Set a new value with point as unit

  • func setPercent(value: Float) Set a new value with percent as unit



  • .Percent
  • .Point