
super: UIPickerView (on iOS)
The PickerView class implements objects, called picker views, that use a spinning-wheel or slot-machine metaphor to show one or more sets of values. Users select values by rotating the wheels so that the desired row of values aligns with a selection indicator. The user interface provided by a picker view consists of components and rows. A component is a wheel, which has a series of items (rows) at indexed locations on the wheel. Each component also has an indexed location (left to right) in a picker view. Each row on a component has content, which is either a string or a view object such as a label (Label) or an image (ImageView)).
Load() This event is called when the object becames available in the current runtime system.
WillShow() The view is about to be added to the App's views hierarchy.
WillHide() The view is about to be removed from the App's views hierarchy.
DidSelectCell(column: Int, row: Int) This event is called by the picker view when the user selects a row in a column.
RowHeight(column: Int): Float This event is called by the picker view when it needs the row height to use for drawing row content in the specified column.
ColumnWidth(column: Int): Float This event is called by the picker view when it needs the column width.
DidShow() The view has been added to the App's views hierarchy.
DidHide() The view has been removed from the App's views hierarchy.
Unload() This event is called when the object has been removed from the current runtime system (but not yet deallocated).
var pickerSize: PickerViewSize Description not yet ready.
var showsSelectionIndicator: Bool Description not yet ready.
var numberOfComponents: Int Description not yet ready. (read-only)
var dataSet: Object The DataSet object provides information that PickerView needs to construct its content.
var objectName: String The name of the object.
func reload(reloadDataSet: Bool) Reloads all components of the picker view.
func reloadComponent(identifier: Int) Reloads a particular component of the picker view. Calling this method causes the picker view to query the delegate for new data for the given component.
func numberOfRowsInComponent(identifier: Int): Int Returns the number of rows for a component. A picker view fetches the value of this property from the data source and and caches it. The default value is zero.
func selectRowInComponent(row: Int, identifier: Int, animated: Bool) Selects a row in a specified component of the picker view.
func selectedRowInComponent(identifier: Int): Int Returns the index of the selected row in a given component. A zero-indexed number identifying the selected row, or -1 if no row is selected.
func animate(duration: Float, delay: Float, options: AnimationOption, animations: Closure, completion: Closure) Animate changes to one or more views using the specified duration, delay, options and completion handler.
func setFocus() Force focus to be set to the selected control. For TextField and TextView that means force Keyboard to appear.
func clearFocus() Clear focus from selected control
- .Default
- .Mini
- .Small
- .AllowAnimatedContent
- .AllowUserInteraction
- .Autoreverse
- .BeginFromCurrentState
- .CurveEaseIn
- .CurveEaseInOut
- .CurveEaseOut
- .CurveLinear
- .LayoutSubviews
- .OverrideInheritedCurve
- .OverrideInheritedDuration
- .OverrideInheritedOptions
- .Repeat
- .ShowHideTransitionViews
- .TransitionCrossDissolve
- .TransitionCurlDown
- .TransitionCurlUp
- .TransitionFlipFromBottom
- .TransitionFlipFromLeft
- .TransitionFlipFromRight
- .TransitionFlipFromTop
- .TransitionNone