super: Object
Use a Device object to get information about the device such as assigned name, device model, operating-system name and version, battery state and device orientation.
var version: DeviceVersion Returns a value from the DeviceVersion enum identifying the type of device (for example iPhone7, iPhone7Plus, iPadPro12Dot9Inch2Gen, etc.). (read-only)
var versionName: String Returns a string representation of the deviceVersion property. (read-only)
var size: DeviceSize Returns a value from the DeviceSize enum identifying the screen size of the device (for example Screen4inch, Screen4Dot7inch, etc.). To get a human readable string representation or the numeric diagonal size in inches you can use the conversion methods sizeName or sizeInches. (read-only)
var systemName: String The name of the operating system running on the device. (read-only)
var systemVersion: String The current version of the operating system. (read-only)
var systemMajorVersion: Int The current major version of the operating system. For example in iOS 11.4.1 this value is 11. (read-only)
var systemMinorVersion: Int The current minor version of the operating system. For example in iOS 11.4.1 this value is 4. (read-only)
var systemPatchVersion: Int The current patch version of the operating system. For example in iOS 11.4.1 this value is 1. (read-only)
var name: String The name identifying the device. (read-only)
var model: String The model of the device. (read-only)
var orientation: DeviceOrientation The physical orientation of the device. (read-only)
var batteryLevel: Float The battery charge level for the device.Battery level ranges from 0.0 (fully discharged) to 1.0 (100% charged). Before accessing this property, ensure that battery monitoring is enabled. If battery monitoring is not enabled, battery state is unknown and the value of this property is –1.0. (read-only)
var batteryMonitoringEnabled: Bool A Boolean value indicating whether battery monitoring is enabled (true) or not (false).
var batteryState: DeviceBatteryState The battery state for the device. If battery monitoring is not enabled, the value of this property is unknown
var language: String Users choose a primary language when configuring a device. Use this property to obtain the current user's primary device language. (read-only)
var isPhone: Bool Check if current device is an iPhone. (read-only)
var isPad: Bool Check if current device is an iPad. (read-only)
var isCreoKit: Bool Check if current app is running on CreoKit. (read-only)
var isCreoPlayer: Bool Check if current app is running on CreoPlayer. (read-only)
var isAppleSimulator: Bool Check if current app is running on Apple Simulator. (read-only)
var isRealDevice: Bool Check if current app is running on a real iOS device. (read-only)
var deviceMemory: Float Retrieve current device memory. (read-only)
var usedMemory: Float Retrieve memory currently used by the process. (read-only)
var objectName: String The name of the object.
func sizeInches(size: DeviceSize): Float Convert a value from the DeviceSize enum to the numeric value of the screen size (diagonal).
func sizeName(size: DeviceSize): String Convert a value from the DeviceSize enum to its string representation.
func vibrate() Invoke a brief device vibration.
- .Simulator
- .Unknown
- .iPad1
- .iPad2
- .iPad3
- .iPad4
- .iPad5
- .iPadAir
- .iPadAir2
- .iPadMini
- .iPadMini2
- .iPadMini3
- .iPadMini4
- .iPadPro101Inch
- .iPadPro10Dot5Inch
- .iPadPro12Dot9Inch
- .iPadPro12Dot9Inch2Gen
- .iPadPro9Dot7Inch
- .iPhone4
- .iPhone4S
- .iPhone5
- .iPhone5C
- .iPhone5S
- .iPhone6
- .iPhone6Plus
- .iPhone6S
- .iPhone6SPlus
- .iPhone7
- .iPhone7Plus
- .iPhone8
- .iPhone8Plus
- .iPhoneSE
- .iPhoneX
- .iPhoneXR
- .iPhoneXS
- .iPhoneXSMax
- .Screen10Dot5inch
- .Screen11inch
- .Screen12Dot9inch
- .Screen3Dot5inch
- .Screen4Dot7inch
- .Screen4inch
- .Screen5Dot5inch
- .Screen5Dot8inch
- .Screen6Dot1inch
- .Screen6Dot5inch
- .Screen7Dot9inch
- .Screen9Dot7inch
- .Unknown
- .FaceDown
- .FaceUp
- .LandscapeLeft
- .LandscapeRight
- .Portrait
- .PortraitUpsideDown
- .Unknown
- .Charging
- .Full
- .Unknown
- .Unplugged
Log Device information:
Device.batteryMonitoringEnabled = true;
var string = "Device Version Name: " + Device.deviceVersionName;
string += "\nDevice Version Code: " + Device.deviceVersion;
string += "\nDevice Size: " +
string += "\nSystem Version: " + Device.systemVersion;
string += "\nSystem Name: " + Device.systemName;
string += "\nDevice Name: " +;
string += "\nDevice Model: " + Device.model;
string += "\nBattery: Enabled=" + Device.batteryMonitoringEnabled + ", State=" + Device.batteryState + ", Charge=" + Int(Device.batteryLevel*100) + "%";
Device Version Name: iPhone 5S
Device Version Code: 7
Device Size: 4.0 in
System Version: 8.0.0
System Name: iOS
Device Name: Xinantécatl
Device Model: iPhone
Battery: Enabled=true, State=3, Charge=100%