
super: UISwitch (on iOS)
You use the Toggle class to create and manage the On/Off buttons used, for example, in the Settings app for options such as Airplane Mode and Bluetooth. These objects are known as switches. The Toggle class declares a property and a method to control its on/off state. You can customize the appearance of the switch by changing the color used to tint the switch when it is on or off.
Load() This event is called when the object becames available in the current runtime system.
WillShow() The view is about to be added to the App's views hierarchy.
WillHide() The view is about to be removed from the App's views hierarchy.
Changed(value: Bool) Use this event to be notified when value changes.
DidShow() The view has been added to the App's views hierarchy.
DidHide() The view has been removed from the App's views hierarchy.
Unload() This event is called when the object has been removed from the current runtime system (but not yet deallocated).
var value: Bool A Boolean value that determines the off/on state of the switch. This property allows you to retrieve and set (without animation) a value determining whether the UISwitch object is on or off.
var onTintColor: Color The color used to tint the appearance of the switch when it is turned on.
var thumbTintColor: Color The color used to tint the appearance of the thumb.
var onImage: Image The image displayed when the switch is in the on position.
var offImage: Image The image displayed while the switch is in the off position.
var objectName: String The name of the object.
func setOnAnimated(value: Bool, animated: Bool) Set the state of the switch to On or Off, optionally animating the transition.
func animate(duration: Float, delay: Float, options: AnimationOption, animations: Closure, completion: Closure) Animate changes to one or more views using the specified duration, delay, options and completion handler.
func setFocus() Force focus to be set to the selected control. For TextField and TextView that means force Keyboard to appear.
func clearFocus() Clear focus from selected control
- .AllowAnimatedContent
- .AllowUserInteraction
- .Autoreverse
- .BeginFromCurrentState
- .CurveEaseIn
- .CurveEaseInOut
- .CurveEaseOut
- .CurveLinear
- .LayoutSubviews
- .OverrideInheritedCurve
- .OverrideInheritedDuration
- .OverrideInheritedOptions
- .Repeat
- .ShowHideTransitionViews
- .TransitionCrossDissolve
- .TransitionCurlDown
- .TransitionCurlUp
- .TransitionFlipFromBottom
- .TransitionFlipFromLeft
- .TransitionFlipFromRight
- .TransitionFlipFromTop
- .TransitionNone