
A stepper is a two-segment control used to increase or decrease an incremental value. By default, one segment of a stepper displays a plus symbol and the other displays a minus symbol. These symbols can be replaced with custom images, if desired.


Best practices

  • Make the value affected by the stepper obvious. A stepper itself doesn’t display any values, so make sure people know which value they’re changing when they use a stepper.
  • Don’t use a stepper when large value changes are likely. Steppers work well for making small changes that require a few taps. On a printing screen, for example, it makes sense to use a stepper to set the number of copies because people rarely change this setting by much. On the other hand, it doesn’t make sense to use a stepper to choose a page range because even a reasonable page range would require lots of taps.

How to use

  1. Drop a Stepper control from the object panel to a Window
  2. Use the Stepper Inspector to customize its properties like Value, Min Value, Max Value and Increment

If you need to write code for Stepper:

  1. Open the Code Editor
  2. Select the Action item inside the Events area and write your custom code in the Code Editor

`Stepper` inspector The inspector where the Stepper class can be configured.


  1. Open the Code Editor
  2. Select the Changed item inside the Events area and write your custom code in the Code Editor
    Console.write("Stepper value: \(self.value)")

Most important properties

Several UI aspects can be configured in the Stepper class but the Value, Min Value, Max Value and Increment are the most commons to be configured.

  • Value: The numeric value of the stepper.
  • Min Value: The lowest possible numeric value for the stepper.
  • Max Value: The highest possible numeric value for the stepper.
  • Increment: The step, or increment, value for the stepper.


Stepper class reference contains a complete list of properties and methods that can be used to customize a Stepper object.