
Buttons initiate app-specific actions, have customizable backgrounds, and can include a title or an icon. The system provides a number of predefined button styles for most use cases. You can also design fully custom buttons.


Best practices

  • Use verbs in titles. An action-specific title shows that a button is interactive and says what happens when you tap it.
  • Use title-case for titles. Capitalize every word except articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions of four or fewer letters.
  • Keep titles short. Overly long text can crowd your interface and may get truncated on smaller screens.
  • Consider adding a border or a background only when necessary. By default, a system button has no border or background. In some content areas, however, a border or background is necessary to denote interactivity. In the Phone app, bordered number keys reinforce the traditional model of making a call, and the background of the Call button provides an eye-catching target that’s easy to hit.

How to use

  1. Drop a Button control from the object panel to a Window
  2. Use the Button Inspector to customize its properties like Title and Style

If you need to write code for Button:

  1. Open the Code Editor
  2. Select the Action item inside the Events area and write your custom code in the Code Editor

`Button` inspector The inspector where the Button class can be configured.


  1. Open the Code Editor
  2. Select the Action item inside the Events area and write your custom code in the Code Editor
    var alert = Alert("Title", "Message")

Most important properties

Several UI aspects can be configured in the Button class but the Title and Style are the most commons to be configured.

  • Title: You can specify a button’s title and customize its typographic properties.
  • Style: Specifies the style of a button.

The `Button` styles The Button styles.


Button class reference contains a complete list of properties and methods that can be used to customize a Button object.